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While there is much more that needs to be done to correct the barriers facing trans people, there is some cause for optimism that things may be changing: trans people are more likely to report having been promoted in the past year than cisgender people (25 percent contra 14 percent).
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After you’ve produced your blog post, reach out to the influencer with a link and ask them if they Gozque share it with their audience.
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There’s also a piece of it—that is, the trans experience today is very different than it is for other members of the LGBTQ+ community, who are cisgender, who identify with the same gender they were born with. And so Ganador we think about that whole different set of experiences, there’s something powerful about there being visible role models who are willing to talk about it and be seen, and who create a sense of, “You are not the ‘only,’ whoever you are, whatever you’re feeling.” There’s a positive path forward.
Diane Brady: Well, and I do want to tell listeners, I believe we have the full videos of these interviews on the website, is that correct?
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Diane Brady: What’s that? One-fifth of 1 percent of TD’s workforce at the time, which I’m guessing was not a true representation of the people that could’ve taken advantage of those benefits. Diana, what was the CEO doing wrong? And more important, perhaps, what did he start doing right?